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How to Come up with Ideas

Of all people, I never thought I’d be writing this. Creativity’s always seemed way out of my reach. I’m the guy who “just can’t come up with any ideas”

But that’s a big, fat lie. I have many ideas — some good, a few great.

So do you.

We’re Born Creative

Don’t believe me, see for yourself. The last fifty years alone testify in favor of human ingenuity. How many technological advances have we already made? As a JavaScript developer I’ve expressed my concern at how rapidly our field’s evolving on every front.

We’re naturally inquisitive and itching to examine reality past its surface. We’re engineered to reimagine how everything around us currently functions. We’re destined to build bigger and better than those before us!

But everyone tells us otherwise.

“Everyone’s creative except me LOL”

No, it’s not funny. Stop it.

Usually “uncreative” people’s first issue is their clinging to these limiting beliefs. Whether it was them or others, the words “You’re not creative” echoed in their minds enough to become second nature.

They now contently march with their fellow drones in the Unimaginative Army, each happily identifying with his “Uncreative” label and letting others decide what he’s good at.

More lies.

If you’ve been wanting to create content–a blog, YouTube channel, whatever–but let your fear of running out of ideas hold you back, try this experiment.

Stop Trying, Start Writing

Even if I paid you to think of blog or channel ideas, they’d be half-baked at best. I bet you’re clueless, however, of the good ideas you omit every day.

Instead of consciously conjuring up content, unwind and allow your subconscious to work for you. Let it throw an idea at you every now and then, and remember to write it down.

Even though I started doing this a few weeks ago, I already count 14 solid article topics in my notepad. I write it down whenever it pops into my head, even if it’s garbage. Any topic can be adjusted to something better, what’s important is to trap that first flicker of inspiration on paper. Behold the power of writing things down.

Become a Better Person

Not just morally. Improve yourself on every level, always raise your standards higher. Read good books, attend more enlightened gatherings, consume wholesome content, value your time and self development.

As you ascend and pour high-level ideas down your subconscious, it’ll start to gush with inspiration. Influential ideas will suddenly bubble back up to you, and your only problem will be writing them all down in time!

I make mistakes as I write this piece and am nowhere near my personal self-development goals. I’m following the game plan, though, and invite you to take the journey with me. Leave a comment if this helped or seemed familiar ❤️

Thanks christopher vaccaro for helping me organize this post’s core ideas. One discussion with him and my rhythm kicked right in. You rock dude!